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Volume 09, Issue 47: Keep It Out

The situation is not the problem in the boat, because the boat is designed to float as long as the situation on the outside doesn't get on the inside. Boats only sink when the situation on the outside gets on the inside.

You can walk through hell's kitchen and not be bothered at all. But the moment it starts to get in you, you start to drown. But you are drowning only because the life around you has gotten in you. It's in your conversation, in your speech, in your thought life and in your attitude. And that's the first sign of going down.

When you allow the things on the outside to get on the inside, you begin to go down. People who ride on top of the storm do it because they can float through it without allowing it to get in them. You can go through a mighty storm and prosper by not allowing the news on the outside to affect your thought life on the inside. When the things on the outside begin to get inside of you, you begin to go down. You need to figure out how to go through it without it going through you - TD Jakes.

Now, that got me roaring the very first time I listened to it in midst of my workplace chaos. I am in the habit of looking for messages that speak to my situation whenever I am troubled. During my chaos at work, I sought motivation to keep the fighter in me going. Although the kind of battle I was facing was new to me, I knew I had to beat it hands down. I listened to several messages that uplifted me, but this one took me to another level. I understood that I may be powerless over what was happening on the outside, but that whether I let it get inside of me was squarely within my power.

So I started smiling, knowing the chaos don't have to steal the peace and joy I have inside, a peace that surpasses understanding, and a joy that rejoices through the storm. I remembered that my weapons are way more powerful and effective than theirs. I put on my armor and went to war, fighting in the spirit realm to disarm their arsenal, to render it powerless over my territory.

The chaos may not be over but I am unperturbed, because He Who is in me is greater than all opposition combined. I refuse to let it get in me. I will fight to ride through this storm without allowing it to get in me. I was designed to soar, and soar I will, whether here or some other place. With God's help, I will go through it without it going through me. I will pass the test.

Whatever your storm is this season, whatever chaos is erupting around you, keep it out. Don't let it get on the inside of you. Keep it out by not dwelling on it in your thoughts and speech and attitude. Don't talk about it except in prayer, don't think about it, and don't allow it to change your demeanor. Refuse to let it rearrange the atmosphere on the inside of you. Keep it out, and before you know it, you will be on the other side of the storm, victorious!


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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