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Volume 09, Issue 48: He Guarantees Victory

We are often times at war on something. We want to register a win each time we are in battle. A YouVersion Bible plan titled "Flourish in Gratitude" opened my eyes on the extent of victory we have as followers of Christ. In the plan, they said that to win at something in life means that we rose above, conquered, and achieved a desired outcome. Sometimes it means we pull ahead of others and are awarded titles or trophies, attached to feelings of triumph and celebration.


But what about the victory that is impossible for us to achieve in our own power, but is only obtained by another who is willing to step in and win on our behalf? It's humbling and inspiring that someone else would go to bat for you and I so that we might know victory in our lives.


There's no greater victory in which to stand than to have been rescued out of the clutches of sin and Satan, to stand forever victorious in freedom and right-standing with God! Dead in our sin, we could do nothing for ourselves. But God, through Jesus - his life, death and resurrection - accomplished the greatest victory for our lives. Through Jesus we are called whole and complete, adopted, forgiven, more than conquerors, reconciled to God, a new creation, blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. And that's just a start!


Do you see what this means? Jesus' sacrifice not only won us victory over sin and death - the greatest victory of all, it also made us victorious over all issues of life. We are not only reconciled to God and blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ, we have advance victory over every battle we could ever encounter.


The victory Jesus purchased on the cross was a ticket to victory over all battles that we face in life. Not some battles, nor the little ones, all battles. The problem comes when we don't know our position, when we don't know that we are positioned to emerge victorious in every battle. The price Jesus paid for us made us overcomers - more than conquerors. No matter the battle, God guarantees our victory. Regardless of the battle, He brings the victory.


Victory belongs to Jesus, no one can stand against the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And because we are His beloved, purchased by His blood, His victory is our victory. We are victorious because He is victorious. We are more than conquerors, we overcome because He conquered all.

For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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