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Volume 09, Issue 49: Living Amazed

A few Sundays ago I gave my family loose leaf pads to write down what they are grateful for and hand them back to me on the last day of the year. I like to write down the things I am thankful for every day. So many little things happen that brighten up my heart from seeing God's acts of love towards me.

We can take so much for granted, but I don't want to take it lightly when God redirects my plans from what would have been a flop and total waste of time to something convenient and successful. Or when He keeps me from doing something I would regret doing or didn't need to do. Stuff like that happen to us all the time but we don't stop to notice that it's God looking out for us - taking care of us.

It is when we take for granted the little things that God does for us every day that we lose our excitement for what God is doing. Some of us can't remember the last time God did something great for us yet He is doing them every day. When good stuff happen, we are not amazed, or we think it's our luck or that we are just smart like that. Far from it. It is God working behind the scenes on our behalf.

Apart from the different things that take place on different days that we give thanks for, there are things that remain constant on our daily gratitude lists that we must give thanks for even when nothing good happens to us in a given day. These are things that we are eternally grateful to God for. We are grateful for being alive, for our health, for our families and friends, for our abilities, for the materials things that God has blessed us with, for the things we know and apply for our good, for the opportunities and privileges that we have, the list is endless. We should never take these things for granted but be amazed by God's goodness towards us.

There are times when we don't feel like praying - we feel too dried up to come up with words for God. In such times, we can settle for just giving thanks to God - for who He is, for what He has done for us, and for what He has given us. Thank Him for His protection, for His provision, for His guidance, for His deliverance, and for His goodness and mercies. No matter your circumstances, you can lived amazed.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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