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Volume 09, Issue 50: Beyond Amazed

This is a follow on to the "Living Amazed" article below. In addition to telling God what you are grateful for each day, tell God something or many things that you love about him. I was reminded of this by a YouVersion Bible plan from the Jewish Voice Ministries International's 7 ways to sweeten your new year. They wrote that an interesting thing happens when we praise God, we experience joy.

They went on to say that not only is it fitting that we honor God and praise Him, it actually benefits us. Praising God sweetens our lives and strengthens the intimacy of our relationship with Him. When our hearts are focused on Him, we see His amazing generosity towards us. How astounding is it that the God of the universe would stoop down to love and save us so that we could be with Him forever!

Ask God to help you develop the habit of telling Him what you appreciate about Him. The plan exhorted readers to intentionally reflect on what God is doing. From day to day God will meet your needs. What stands out to you today? Is it His tenderness toward you in a particular situation? His attention to detail or His wild and colorful creativity? Perhaps it's His ability to intricately weave circumstances together to accomplish His plans. Tell Him the reasons you value Him. You will be blessed as you reflect on Him. God takes pleasure in our sincere gratitude.

I am beyond amazed when God helps me figure out a budget mishap at work. I am beyond amazed when there's laughter in my heart from my relationships. I am beyond amazed when God redirects me to a road with less traffic, or when He ensures that a meeting I am running late for isn't ready to start until long after I have arrived. I am beyond amazed when I look at the beauty around me that God has allowed me to have and enjoy. What are you beyond amazed about?


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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