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Volume 10, Issue 01: Something BIG

Happy New Year 2020! The start of a new year is always filled with excitement, anticipation and hope for those who have learnt to let go of the disappointments of the past. It is the time we can dare to be radical as we take in all the possibilities that the new year can bring. This is the time when we are feeding our minds with inspiration while engaging in lots of envisioning and laying hold of our prophetic Word for the new year.

As people of faith, we don't want to settle for just an ordinary year, we want to believe God for something big for ourselves and others. 2019 had its share of challenges for each of us, but we are not going to dwell on those. We are putting all those messes and frustrations behind us, denying them any opportunity to color our new year. In their place, we are choosing to remember the good stuff that we experienced in 2019 as we get started on bigger and better things in 2020.

What are your dreams for 2020? What are you going after? Is it something that you wouldn't dare say in front of people because of how impossible or unrealistic it sounds? If it's not, then you better go back to the drawing board. In addition to your regular new year goals, what is it that your heart truly desires that you can dare stretch your faith for this year? What is it that would be your radical petition in 2020? Don't shy away from pursuing it if it's in accordance with God's Word. We are going for some BIG things this year. Don't be left behind.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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