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Volume 10, Issue 03: Courage for BIG

This article is comprehensive on its own, but it would be better if you first read the "Steward Your Way To It" article that I published last week. In the pursuit of our something BIG, some of us may need to make a brand new start in something. I know only too well how scary that is. Some of us have stayed in our comfort zones for so long that the thought of starting over is extremely uncomfortable.

Joseph was comfortable at Potiphar's house. Though a slave, he was thriving there as the chief manager and overseer of Potiphar's household and estate. But managing Potiphar's estate wasn't Joseph's destiny. God had bigger things in store for him. What is the thing you love to do that you have been putting off for years because you have a stable job that is paying the bills and supporting your lifestyle? Why are we so afraid to venture out to pursue our destinies?

The thought of risking failure at something new is almost traumatizing. Sometimes I think the only excuse that would do for some of us to step into our destinies is to get kicked out of where we have been "temporarily" putting up at for so long. So, how do we overcome the fear of risking to rock the boat if we choose what we love over what makes sense? How do we start a thing that doesn't guarantee a stable income like the one we are used to?

Joseph had a choice to either continue working in Potiphar's house or risk imprisonment. He could have given in to Mrs. Potiphar's demands by compromising his integrity and faith. But Joseph chose to honour the God of his fathers, no matter the consequences. Psalm 78:19-29 shows that God can really spread a table for us in the wilderness. The prison was Joseph's wilderness, yet it is the platform from which God elevated him to his destiny. Taking the risk to do what we love may land us in the wilderness at first - long months of drought, but it may well be the platform from which we will flourish beyond our wildest dreams.

Even behind bars, Joseph thrived. One of my anchor scriptures this year are found in the 7th and 8th verses of the 17th chapter of the book of Jeremiah. It says' "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit". This is what we can expect to be our portion should we find ourselves in the wilderness.

God can do whatever is needed in our situations. When we can't find the courage to make a brand-new start, He can give us the courage we need. There are no guarantees that the journey of venturing out to do what we love will be anything short of a wilderness experience. However difficult the wilderness may turn out to be, our God is faithful to see us through until we lay hold of our something BIG.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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