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Volume 10, Issue 06: The Backside of BIG

I have been seating under the voice of the renown minister of the word of God, TD Jakes for a few weeks now. On my blog, we have been talking about going for our BIG things this year. Listening to one of his messages clarified some things for me on the matter.

BIG things don't come out of nowhere, they are always a result of investments we make prior to their manifestation. However, when we say we are pressing in for big blessings, what most of us mean is that we are trusting God to bless us out of nowhere. And when the blessings don't come, we lose faith and manage our expectations.

What we fail to grasp is that for us to harvest something BIG, we must have sown into it for God to bless it. Trusting God for something BIG therefore means that we have sown seeds for BIG that we haven't received a return for. Now we are trusting God to send rain to water the seeds to produce a harvest for us.

God is not Santa Claus. He acts in accordance to his Word. There's a requirement for every blessing. We can't ignore what is required of us to receive and expect to receive anyway.

God sends rain on schedule. But if you haven't put anything on the ground, you cannot expect a harvest when the rains come. What have you planted in the past year or the past several years that you haven't received a return from? Will you be ready when rains come? The backside of BIG is sowing. We had better get busy sowing into what BIG looks like for us.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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