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Volume 10, Issue 08: Trade-offs

Have you ever reached a point where you consider trading position for peace? There comes a time when tables turn on us so much that the status we have from holding a certain job isn't worth our well being and comfort. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a demanding job. I have happily managed one for years. It's all about where you are at in life and what you have an appetite for in your current season. I have been in my line of work for 15 years, and typically, the higher you go up the ladder the more burdens there are to carry.

Have you ever thought of transitioning from a demanding job for a saner role that suits the pace you want? How about moving from your big house to a smaller house to escape hefty house payments and long hours spent on cleaning and maintenance? Is putting up with the rat race and a fast-paced life in the city worth it if deep down what you really prefer is a slower-paced life in your hometown?

I watched quite a number of family movies during the last holiday season. The story in most of them gravitated around a female executive battling with the decision to trade her high ranking job in the city for a saner pace in her hometown after coming home for the holidays. You can imagine why I gravitated to these kind of movies after the hectic work year I had.

Those movies spoke to my situation but they are not what fully lit the bulb for me. What did it for me after weeks of pondering over my transition plan is seeing an ad for a job near my house. I used to work in that building before my office moved to a further location. My interest in the ad made me realize how we can take precious things for granted and not appreciate them until we lose them.

Some of the things I place a lot of value on, which I lost recently is working from home or near home, and having the space to work peacefully without drama and unnecessary interruptions.

This job that I saw is well below my pay grade but I am interested in it because it brings me closer to my dream job, which is working from home, doing what I love. This job is a step closer to that because, it's a very short distance from my house, and it's sane! If I were to get it, I would leave all the nerve wrecking drama behind me, and I wouldn't have to be stuck in traffic for work.

So, what would be my losses and what would I gain if made this shift? I would be taking a demotion and pay cut. But these are just titles and money, nothing compared to the value I assign to what I would be gaining in return. I would be going back to a sane work life like the one I enjoyed before all hell broke loose at my place of work, I would be able to get home from work in a jiffy, and last but definitely not least, this shift would make for a smooth transition to my dream job.

What would you give up for the life you want? What's keeping you from making the trade? I understand that sometimes our circumstances don't afford us the luxury to choose what we want, but at the end of the day, we always have a choice. It comes down to what we are willing to sacrifice for the life we want.

So, how do we decide what to do? We can start by listing down what's important to us and assigning them degrees of importance. Next, we make the brave step to make a decision. And then we draw up a transition plan to get us to the life we want. We may end up with a smaller budget, but who knows, we could be surprised at how much more we can do with it by the grace of God.

I may not get this job that I saw or even have the time to update my CV to apply for it but in my mind and heart, the lines have been drawn. I know what's important to me and I will most certainly gravitate towards it. Whatever your case may be, don't be afraid of what you may have to give up. Think of everything you will be getting in return.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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