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Volume 10, Issue 09: You Can Handle It

As I was pondering over my response to the chaos that were intensifying around me not so long ago, I began asking myself a number of questions. What am I missing to comprehend from my disruptions at work? How am I looking at it? Why did God allow these chaos to rock my boat? Should I be pondering over how I am carrying myself in the midst of these chaos? Should I be considering how happy or not I will be with myself when all this is over? I think one of the reasons God allows difficult situations to manifest in our spaces is to reveal what's inside us, and sometimes to show us off.

Daniel faced extreme opposition at his place of work but nowhere in the Bible do we see a record of him whining or asking God to change his job. We see him continuing to work excellently such that his opposers could find no shortcomings in his work to use against him. The other thing he did was pray for the city he loved and for God's help. Daniel did not focus his attention to the negative energy around him, rather he maintained his focus on his faith and the work before him.

I have been listening to the book of Job lately and the dots are connecting in my mind as to how I was relating with my chaos. To show off Job's integrity, God allowed Satan to mess up with Job massively. Through all the devastation and losses, Job did not curse God. Do you want to know what happened to job thereafter? Stay tuned.

Are you who God is portraying you to be to your enemies? If Job wasn't who God portrayed him to be, he could have crumbled from the very first attack. But his first response was to bow down in worship to God. Who does that? Who responds with reverence and worship at the news of loss of all your children and fortune? Only a person whose foundation is secure in God - one who knows beyond the shadow of doubt that no matter what happens, God is with them and on their side.

There has to be more expected of us in the midst of chaos than just to react and ask God to rescue us. There has to be ways that we can carry ourselves to come out of the furnace smelling like a rose instead of smelling of smoke. Every struggle is a test to be passed or failed. And for God to allow it on you, it's probably because he has faith in you, so don't let him down. What if Job let God down? The devil alluded that Job feared God only because God shielded him, yet when the shield was removed and the devil released all hell possible on him, Job maintained his devotion to God.

How are you responding to your chaos? Let's continue in the next post.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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