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Volume 10, Issue 13: Fight by Not Fighting

When you are in Christ, weapons may form but they will not conquer you - Vance K Jackson. This phrase is not new to me but it left a big smile on my face today. This is so real in each of our situations yet we tend to get shaken every time a new opposition rises against us.

Isaiah 54:17 says "No weapon formed against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me, declares the Lord". I was doing a study provided by Vance K Jackson on the YouVersion Bible app and I couldn't help but share what he had to say on how to respond to attacks. Here is what he said;

No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. In other words, there is no article, device, tactic or strategy that the enemy can use or implement against you that will prosper. There is no vessel (person) that the enemy can use against you that will succeed. There is no yoke or bondage that the enemy can hold against you that will prosper. No tactic, strategy or stronghold that the enemy tries to deploy will prosper.

You are God's child and His protection is your inheritance and your righteousness is of Him. When you are in Christ, weapons may form but they will not conquer you. Choose to trust God and let His Word fight on your behalf. When the enemy rises up against you, choose to hold your peace - let God fight your battle. Every tongue that rises up against you shall backfire.

According to Psalms 7:15-16, the pit that others dig for you they will fall in it themselves. The plot that others lay for you they will fall into it themselves. God is your protection. Don't fear the enemy's plots, ploys and strategies. God is your rearguard. He has you covered.

God is stronger than any ploy, plot or scheme that the enemy can devise. He is your source and strength, your strong foundation. God is your weapon against the enemy and every tactic the enemy tries to release. Çhoose to surrender to God and you will be at peace with your enemies. Focus on God and not on the enemies that you face.

Don't worry about your enemies. God commands us to love our enemies. Love those who scheme, plan and plot against you. Don't focus on their deceptive strategies - focus on God's Word. Psalm 110:1 says "The Lord said to my lord: sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet". Let God handle your enemies. Protect your heart - don't let your heart be hardened by the traps of the enemy. Let God deal with your enemies. Shift your focus. Let God lead your heart. Let love be your weapon.

Keep your heart with all diligence. Satan wants you to focus on your enemies- to get angry, resentful and bitter. He wants you to focus on your cares and worries and distract you from seeking God and fulfilling His purpose. You must outsmart him.

Don't allow yourself to be distracted and consumed by the happenings around you. Rather, position and posture your heart on God's Word. Although the weapon may form, it will not prosper. You may see the storm form, but it will not prosper. Hold fast to God's Word. Choose to confess the Word of God and let God lead your path.

There is no weapon that the enemy can form that will conquer you. Submit yourself to God's way of doing things and He will guide your path. Build your heart on God's Word. I am still wowed by this piece, and I hope you are too. I am so glad I stumbled into Jackson's study.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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