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Volume 10, Issue 15: He Is Serious (Part II)

This is a continuation of last week's post where we marveled at the rescue God orchestrated for King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah in the twentieth chapter of the book of second Chronicles. In that story, God confused the enemy forces and they attacked each other until they all fell dead without the army of Judah laying a hand on them.

God is serious about what He says to us in His Word. When He says "No weapon formed against you shall prosper," He means exactly that. When He says "Many are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord delivers them from them all," He means just that. When He says "Call on me in the day of trouble and I will answer you," He means business.

The story in the eighteenth and nineteenth chapters of the book of second Kings is about the time when Sennacherib king of Assyria attacked Samaria and wouldn't ease off even after Hezekiah king of Judah paid all the tribute he could find to him. Since the paid tribute didn't measure up to what Sennacherib demanded, he sent his top three military chiefs with a strong military force to Hezekiah in Jerusalem. In his speech, Assyria's spokesman Rabshakeh compared God with the gods of the other nations that the king of Assyria had devastated.

When Hezekiah heard the blasphemous speech of Rabshakeh, he sent a message to the prophet Isaiah to bring it before the Lord. God responded to Hezekiah to not be concerned with the outrageous blasphemies from the the king of Assyria's errand boys. God afflicted Rabshakeh with self-doubt. He heard a rumor, and frightened for his life, retreated to his own country where God saw to it that he got killed.

King Sennacherib sent another envoy with orders to deliver another blasphemous message to king Hezekiah of how he was going to destroy Judah like Assyria had done all other nations, once again putting the Almighty God in the same plane as the gods of the heathen nations Assyria had devastated.

After Hezekiah read the letter from the envoy, he went to the Temple of the Lord and spread it out before God. And Hezekiah prayed - oh, how he prayed! Hezekiah exalted God then asked him to hear and see the brazen insult to the living God in the letter from Sennacherib. He stated to God that the facts are true - the kings of Assyria had laid waste countries and kingdoms. They had made huge bonfires of their gods, their no-gods hand-made from wood and stone. Then he pleaded with God to save Judah from the raw Assyrian power so all the kingdoms on earth may know that He is God, the one and only God.

It wasn't long before the prophet Isaiah sent God's response to Hezekiah. God said that the king of Assyria won't enter the city of Judah, nor shoot so much as a single arrow there. He won't brandish a shield, won't even begin to lay siege. He will go home by the same road he came, he won't enter the city of Judah. For God would shield and save the city for His sake and for David's sake.

And it so happened that that very night an angel of God came and massacred 185,000 Assyrian troops. When the people of Jerusalem got up the next morning, there it was - a whole camp of corpses! Sennacherib king of Assyria got out of there fast, headed straight home for Nineveh and stayed put. He was later murdered by his sons while worshipping in the temple of his god.

That is what God can do to those who come against us if we trust and rely on him. The forces that come against us are often too mighty for us to handle. That's our cue to run to our Defender whose might no foe can match. It's not time to crumble in fear or surrender. It's time to turn the heat on in the enemy's camp by drawing power from God.

These fascinating stuff aren't just hidden in the pages of Scriptures, our lives are full of these chronicles too. For the God of the Old Testament folks is our God too. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. I still can't make sense of why my opposition withdrew just before signing a favorable contract, or why the other one got recalled back to the head office. Indeed God's wonders are not limited to what He did long before our time, they are fresh with us in our present time.

Be sure to record the wonders God is doing in your life and in the lives of those around you. He is serious about what He says in His Word. God's Word is your weapon. Hang on to it and use it when trouble strikes. Call on Him in the day of trouble and marvel as He multiplies casualties in the enemy's camp for His glory.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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