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Volume 10, Issue 16: Feeling Out of Sorts

I do a lot of things well, but there is a particular one-off task that isn't one of them. It's a task I considered a nightmare even before I gathered stamina to start working on. I had put it off as long as I could as my plate was quite full but time was running out and the responsibility to tackle it fell squarely on my shoulders.

So after a marathon week of other pressing matters, I finally picked up the dreadful assignment with all the enthusiasm I could summon. I was determined to slay the giant in a span of four days. But having other day-to-day work pieces to juggle with one on my colleagues on vacation and with the COVID-19 strains, I felt spread too thin day after day. I tried to stay motivated and joyful but every working day ended up long and stretched without the end in sight. I felt like my efforts weren't yielding the results I craved. It was frustrating to say the least.

As the Easter break approached, I was feeling out of sorts big time. I had been working on this task for almost two weeks and it wasn't getting finished and I couldn't explain to my colleagues why it was taking so long. And when I could finally see the end approaching, it started to get all messy and jumbled. I was frustrated that God wasn't helping me with it despite my countless requests for his help. But He was helping, because I finally managed to piece it together and ship it off to the next level just in time for Good Friday.

In moments like this, I have learnt from Kelly Parker today to take heart in knowing that God is in control and developing me with a specific end in mind. It is so humbling and frustrating to struggle with something day after day and not see it come together. We have to trust that God is using everything we experience to develop skills and character traits that we will need to thrive at the next level.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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