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Volume 10, Issue 23: We Worship From Victory

I made a phone call today, and what threw me back was the great sense of enthusiasm that oozed from the other end of the line. This dear friend of mine has been grieving the loss of her son but whenever I speak with her I get blown away by how jovial she is despite the difficult times she is in. My friend lost the battle for having her son cured but because of Whose she is, she is not defeated.

In the formative years of our walk with God, many of us lived off the help hotline. It was easy to let our new found love for God slip into the back banner as we sought Him mainly for what He could do for us. But as we mature in our relationship with God, we ask for His help a lot more, but not from a selfish standpoint. We ask for His help from a point of surrender.

As we mature, we get to the point where our passion for God tramps every disappointment. We are more desperate for Him than we are for answered prayers. And so we worship, not for victory, but from victory. What victory? You might ask. Victory from the part of us that thought we couldn't go another day without an answer to a petition we had offered over and over again. Victory for all the battles we fought but didn't realize we had won because we were fixed on God coming through a certain way.

As believers in God, we have been given a seat. A seat of authority and a seat of victory. We don't worship for victory. We worship from victory! Jesus tells us that "In this world you will have many troubles, but take heart, for I have overcome the world." Doing life with God doesn't exempt us from challenges, but it gives us the privilege of facing every battle from a point of victory.

One of David's Psalms written during times of immense trouble goes like this, "Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; you hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” Psalms‬ ‭16:5-6‬ ‭CSB‬‬. When David wrote this Psalm, his life was full of trouble. But because he knew and trusted God, he was joyfully content.

We too often go before the Lord with burdened hearts. But as we present our petitions to Him, we can't help but recount His goodness to us. We remember the victories He has given us in the past and lift up our worship and adoration, knowing that He sees and knows just what we need this time. And He acts on our behalf however He chooses. And so we don't worship for victory. We worship from victory.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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