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Volume 10, Issue 25: Enjoy the Stretch

Do you remember praying for promotions? I can't believe I almost forgot how much I prayed for promotion at work. Yesterday a friend of mine posted on WhatsApp a piece of writing by someone by the name Dawn Chere that hit home for me in a big way. I have copied it here word for word for your reflection.

"When your dreams get bigger, the weight of responsibility does too. If you aren't careful, you'll find yourself complaining about things you once prayed for. Complaining isn't harmless, it is addictive and a thief that steals strength. What we need is gratitude.

Gratitude for the added pressures that come with influence. Gratitude for the stretch in the unknown that forces growth. Gratitude for the chaotic hustle that happens in seasons of unexpected blessing and opportunity.

I have caught myself saying, "if I can just get through this week" in busy moments. When I pause, I realize I don't want to just get through it! I prayed for this, and I won't let the pressure force me to feel overwhelmed or unprepared. I want to have a heart overflowing with gratitude that realizes it's a miracle that weeks like this even exist, that dreams are slowly coming to fruition and progress is being made daily!

Open doors don't remain open when you start resenting them for the responsibility they bring to your life. Sometimes we don't need less on our plate, we need to make the choice to enjoy the stretch. Crush that path before you and do it with an attitude of gratitude!" Dawn Chere.

Wow! Talk of a slap on the wrist just when you need it. I don't know about you but I needed to hear this. I have needed to hear it for maybe a year now. This is something I need to put in front of me every working day. I don't want to forget that it's a miracle that I have the kind of weeks that I have and let my heart overflow with gratitude. I don't want to let the pressure make me feel overwhelmed.

It is so good to realize that it's not that I need less on my plate. What I need is to make the choice to enjoy the stretch. I am making that choice right here and now. Let's be grateful for the answered prayers that got us here. And remember that we can handle the weight of responsibility and the pressure that accompany our blessings and opportunities.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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