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Volume 10, Issue 38: Becoming True Worshippers

There are two times to worship: when you feel like it and when you don't. Oh, that our worship would not be tossed like the winds and waves when challenges come or victories are won. May our lives be a fragrant aroma of worship to the Father in every season.

After a long day at work, "I'm tired, but still You are worthy!" If finances aren't there yet, "I don't feel like it, but I lift my hands to You again in surrender!" When relationships are strained, "I feel like wallowing in sadness, but I look to You in adoration!"

Like the widow who gave two mites, we may not have much, but we give all that we have because Jesus is worthy. His love is incredible, redeeming, selfless, victorious and relentless.

Pure worship isn't built on a foundation of a feeling, atmosphere, or the lyrics and melodies composed by man. Worship is a response to seeing Him. A worshipper is marked and formed by an encounter with the man Jesus, an encounter that brings life and death simultaneously.

It's in beholding the beauty and holiness of the Lord that a response rings from the inner man, "I love You! Apart from You, I am nothing. Jesus, I respond to You with all that I am. Your love for me has me completely undone from the inside out. I praise You, Holy One! My soul will bless You at all times, and I will not forget your benefits. The melody you sing over me causes me to triumph, and I'm left in awe!

This is from the heart of worship YouVersion Bible plan provided by Christ for the Nations.

For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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