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Volume 10, Issue 43: Managing Your Energy Part III

We are picking off from Part II of this series where we talked about my energy rhythms as an example for us in managing our energy. If you are just joining us now, it would be better for you to start with parts I and II before delving into this one.

Related article: Managing Your Energy Part II

Having learnt my energy rhythms, my day starts with spiritual development activities at 4am. I can manage my walk and strength training regiment during my afternoon break or early evening but I slot it for 6am for logistical efficiency. I then try to get my creative work done before starting my professional work at 8.30am.

As much as possible, I clock off work at around 5pm after which I spend the next two hours in a relaxed mode. This is my recovery time. Towards the tail end of this slot of time, I am careful to take care of getting ready for bed routines by 7pm. I then spend more time with family before going to bed by 8pm.

Like I already said, your rhythms are most likely very different from mine and you most certainly shouldn't try to do what I do. If you haven't figured out yourself already, this is a good time to get the hang of your energy rhythms. After all, you cannot manage what you don't know.

What time are you most productive? How do you spend your most productive time? Do you spend it in focused work by yourself or in engagements with people? What time of day are your energy levels at their lowest? What time should you plan to do nothing at all?

Would you rather do most of your work at the beginning of the week and then rest or do you prefer to start the week with a day off before tackling your work for the week? Do meetings fuel you or drain you? Maybe there are kinds of meetings that fuel you and other kinds that you would rather not be part of because they take so much out of you.

If you are anything like me, or the demand on your time and energy is anything like mine, then you must appreciate the importance of aligning with your energy rhythms to perform at your best. You must know that going against your energy rhythms is nothing short of torturing yourself and doing so consistently is deteriorating to your health in the long run.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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