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Volume 11, Issue 05: Keep Winning

One of the hardest things to master is the art of staying consistent. It's very easy to slip back to our old habits. Mine is telling myself that I can stay in bed for just a few more minutes. Before I know it, I have lost 30 minutes or so. Like we said in the last post, we have to attack the day - fight to win the day.

Once we do it right a few times, we want to fight to keep at it, maintain the momentum and keep winning. However, the temptation to do less than our best keeps lurking around, seeking to distract us from winning the day. That's when we've got to put up our best fight yet, to win the day.

Resist the temptation to break your winning streak. Fight to stay consistent in your "win the day" endevours. Once you get it right a few times, push yourself to keep it that way. I figured that what I let slide today, I am more likely to let slide tomorrow. What you don't do today, you're less likely to do tomorrow. If you don't feel like having that conversation today, you will feel less like having it tomorrow. So you might as well have it today and get it over and done with. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Are you sick and tired of losing the battle of winning certain aspects of your day? Then maybe it's time to up your game. Don't wait to feel ready to take action. Do it anyway. Do it afraid, uncomfortable, unwilling. Maybe it's about time we stopped giving too much airtime to how we feel. So what if I don't feel like getting out of bed to get my day started? If my body is awake, how I feel should not keep me from doing what is right for me.

What are you sick and tired of losing the battle in? What do you need to fight to stay consistent in doing to win your day? Let's resist the temptation to break the streak of success, and before we know it, staying consistent at whatever we have set out to do won't be an issue. Then we will win the day over and over again, thereby attain our goals.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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