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Volume 11, Issue 06: Repair Follows Neglect

Equating the pursuit of goals with work brings a new perspective to it. Suppose you had a field to tend. You started with a beautiful landscape, lush grass and maybe even flowers in bloom. What would happen if you didn't work on the field regularly - mow the grass, pull out the weeds, trim the plants? Soon your field won't be that beautiful to look at, would it? Not only that, but it would also take you a lot more effort to get it back in shape.

God's direction is that we work six days a week and rest one. What would happen if you took this as a principle for not just your work life but for all other areas of your life? Your field would look great all year round if you tended it for six days each week. If you took good care of your body six days a week, before long, the allure of bad eating habits on the seventh day would lose its grip on you. Soon, you will be eating mostly right all week long! Wouldn't that be great!

It matters not what you are going after, if you diligently work on it at least six days a week, you will no doubt win the day. That is the power of consistency. And that is why we have to fight to stay consistent at our actions. For instance, working out to maintain a fit physique takes just a few minutes each day a couple of days a week. On the other hand, working out to get back in shape is hard work!

Once in awhile I have a newbie at the gym come to me and say, "When I get to look like you, I will stop coming to the gym". It baffles me and I do my best to talk them out of that notion. What's the point of building something only to wreck it? This quote from Jim Rohn drives the point home squarely: "A week of neglect could cost you a year of repair. Is it worth it?" What you neglect, you will have to pay the price to repair. And repair takes so much more resources than maintenance.

What I let slide today, I am more likely to let slide tomorrow, and the day after. A few days of neglecting your "Win the Day" pursuits could cost you a month of repair? Is it worth it? Is that cheat meal worth the progress you are making in your health? Are a few minutes of interrupted sleep after your alarm goes off worth what you are giving up for it? Is always pointing out the faults in your spouse or child worth the closeness you are compromising?

It gets to a point when you decide that when it comes to what you want to build, it's not work to you, it's your life. Therefore you do it every day, not just six days a week. I work hard at my job five days a week. But when it comes to my personal pursuits that I don't have the luxury of time for, there's no day off. You can take a day or the weekend off from your pursuits. Only be careful that the off days don't become the norm. As Jim Rohn nicely put it, if you rest too long, the juggle will overtake the village.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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