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Volume 11, Issue 09: Improve Your Habits

It's easy for people who have formed good habits to get complacent, basking in the glory of having good habits. Maybe you wake up early and spend time with God. You read daily and listen to podcasts for self improvement. You exercise and nourish your body with a good diet most of the time. You could be thinking, "I have it made", right?

Maybe not quite. If you have come this far, maybe you could do better. I think basking in yesterday's victories is a recipe for stagnation and missing out on the benefits of improvement. These last couple of days I have been pondering over my habits and how to make them better while introducing new ones.

We are never too advanced for learning. If there's one thing all truly successful people are is that they are lifelong students. We never do things too well to never require improvement. Successful people are constantly improving their processes and systems for optimal results.

It's not enough to have good habits. You can have better habits. You can realign your good habits to get the most out of them. You can add new habits by stacking them with your current habits. You can tweak your routines to optimize their outcomes. You can manage your time better. You can improve your nutrition. You can have more efficient workouts. You can read more. You can do more and better with your children, and so forth.

At this stage in my personal development journey, I can do my morning routines without thinking. They are no longer things that I do, but who I am. However, I constantly battle with a sense of discontentment as I am often running a couple of minutes behind schedule. I feel that I either don't have enough time for all that I have lined up to do, or that I am investing more time than I should.

Reflecting over my habits and thinking about how to make them better is giving me an opportunity to set myself up for better results this year. Have you ever given thought to improving your habits or forming better habits? Kudos for having formed good habits, but what could you have if you were more efficient at them? What could you accomplish if you formed better habits?


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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