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Volume 11, Issue 11: Bullied By Peanuts!

I recently found myself over indulging in peanuts, a habit I started right after I learnt about their high caloric content. I hardly snacked on peanuts before, I ate them occasionally but they had no grip on me. So, I started battling with trying to stop myself from reaching to peanuts multiple times during the day but I didn't seem to be getting a breakthrough. Until a thought dropped into my mind one day.

I have nothing against peanuts. In fact I love them. My overindulgence level was eating as big as about a handful every other day spread out after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Though this is the recommended daily intake portion, I didn't want to continue on that path, lest I find myself going overboard with peanuts over time. I also just don't want to snack on peanuts, it just doesn't sit right with me.

So, what dropped in my mind that day is "why am I letting defenseless peanuts bully me all day into eating them?" I know this probably sounds ridiculous but it did the trick for me. I am finally on track sticking to my set small portion once a day. Now I am working on dropping the habit all together, going back to only snack on peanuts occasionally like I did before.

You may find my situation ridiculous. I mean, who fusses over snacking on healthy nutritious home-baked peanuts? You don't have to fuss over what I fuss about, in fact you shouldn't. But you should fuss about something important to you. What "bad" habits are you struggling with? What's bullying you into partaking of it/them more than you would like to?

What are you finding harmless now that could likely go overboard if not snipped in the bud? What indulgence are you entertaining now that could take you further than you intend to go? What path are you on now that could end up costing you more than you intend to pay?


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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