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Volume 01 Issue 18: Take Responsibility for your Growth

We are not judged by the things we say we will do or by the plans we make to do great things. We are judged by what we actually do. We take the trouble to make great plans and talk about all the things we want to do. But it is only the plans that we implement that count. We blame our stagnation on the circumstances of our lives. We wait for others to discover our untapped potential. We wish to be engaged more so that we can grow. But nobody discovers you. You discover yourself.

As clearly pointed out by Dr. Alfred Mutua in his book on secrets of survival, you are the one who determines your legacy. Nobody will discover you and your potential. You have to do it yourself. You do it by sticking out your neck, by challenging the norm and by exposing yourself to ridicule, failure and predicaments.

If you have waited long enough for a chance to live up to your potential, you have realized that life is a do it yourself project. Your future will be the product of the investment you make in developing yourself today.

Before doing anything great, we have to become it. Self discovery enables us to become. Once you discover your potential, develop your strengths and make yourself ready for approaching opportunities. Don’t wait for opportunities to come in order to prepare. The few who rule the world prepare for the opportunity long before it appears.

When we recognize that we are our most appreciable asset, we approach our work, relationships and recreation with a mindset of growth. Alongside your strengths, develop your staying power as you are bound to encounter setbacks on your journey. Nothing stands in the way of persistence.

The fear of failure keeps us from trying. The thought of the exhaustion of the responsibility of growth keeps us away from the starting point. Overcome your fears and acknowledge that you have to start where you are. Don’t wait to have it all together. Use what you have. Don’t let your shortcomings or what you don’t have keep you from using what is at your command. Push on and take responsibility for your growth.

Lillian Chebosi



0 #1 simon_3 2011-02-04 09:16
Growth only takes place in the right environment. It is us who make this environment. I desire growth, a healthy growth; so I'll make every effort to create the right atmosphere.
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