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Volume 11, Issue 16: The Stockdale Paradox Part I

While reading the Good to Great book by Jim Collins, one of the findings that inspired me is what they call "the Stockdale Paradox". I quickly related it to my day-to-day life and started to think of opportunities to capitalize on the concept.

The Stockdale Paradox is about retaining absolute faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties. And, at the same time, confronting the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.

When you relate this to your health goals for instance, when you start your journey to health and fitness, you are likely to be far from your ideal health parameters. What keeps you focused through the weeks and months is absolute faith that you can and will attain your ideal health parameters in the end, regardless of the difficulties. At the same time, you have to confront the brutal facts of your current reality of being far from attaining your goal.

Without confronting the brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be, you could be discouraged from your pursuit and give up all together. You have to be cognizant of the fact that although you have faith in attaining your goal, it won't happen overnight. Then put in the work required to make your goal a reality in the end. This concept can be applied to all kinds of pursuits.

If you diligently and consistently follow through the steps you must take to succeed, getting closer to your goal with every step, you will eventually reach your goal. It might take awhile, even a long while, but it will happen. And when it does, you will face a new set of challenges: how to not only maintain the win but advance from great to enduring greatness.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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