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Volume 11, Issue 22: Consistently Consistent

Picking up from last week's post titled "Excellence is Mundane," the second lesson is "Consistently consistent." In case you are just joining us, I recommend that you first read last week's post then jump right back onto this one.

Related article: Excellence is Mundane

What does consistently consistent mean? Isn't that a repetition of the same word? Exactly. Don't you just love the double emphasis? Wouldn't it be nice if someone described you as "consistently consistent?" That would make you a person of excellence. You may come across as predictable and boring to some people, but certainly excellent if what you are doing consistently is valuable.

Continuing to stress the mundanity of excellence, Mark Batterson said that "Consistency beats intensity seven days a week. Do you know what Michael Phelps did after becoming the best in the world? He trained even harder, even longer - six hours a day, seven days a week, five years in a row! Do the math, and that's tough to beat. That's the point, and that's true of everything. If you want to be the best, you've got to log in the hours."

Mark continues, "The question, of course, is, how do you muster that kind of discipline? How do you keep on keeping on even when you've reached the top rung of the ladder? Extrinsic motivation fades like marine layer fog. If you are motivated by extrinsic factors like fame or fortune, motivation eventually evaporates along with the accolades. Why? You are working for the wrong reasons!"

So what the secret to remaining consistent? Mark hit the nail on the head with this. "Intrinsic motivation is the gift that keeps on giving. It's the thing that keeps us going after everybody else gets out of the pool. It's the thing that gets us up early and keeps us up late."

Mark defines intrinsic motivation as "living for the applause of nail-scarred hands. It's giving God A-plus effort. It's recognizing that potential is God's gift to us and that what we do with it is our gift to God. It's not trying to be better than everybody else. It's trying to be better than you were yesterday!" There's nothing I could add to that exploration.

So, let's go out and be consistently consistent. Stay tuned for the third lesson next week - one more lap.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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