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Volume 11, Issue 26: Planning Ahead

How do you plan for the upcoming week or day? When all is said and done, it's what we do each day and each week that gets us to attain our goals. I am hesitant to start any day without a plan, even when I am on vacation at home or away. I find that planning my week ahead of time saves me time and decision fatigue during the week.

Lately I find that even before getting out of bed in the morning, my mind churns out my immediate course of action for the first hour or so for what I already planned. I like how the human mind evolves. If you are a planner, your mind automatically takes you to the next level as you progress in your planning. Isn't that cool?

I have a hate relationship with paper. This is quite out of place because my line of work is all about papers - everything starts with physical documentation. To me, unorganized paper screams "mess!!!" So, for my personal organization, I do all my planning on my phone. In addition to using Google calendar for my work and personal life, I manage my life with a couple of lists on my phone.

How about you? What works for you? Some people hate lists. They find a way to keep everything in their mind and get things done that way. Are you one of those? How is it working for you? If you do lists, what kind of lists do you keep and how regularly do you update them? In the next post we will go over my weekly lists that help me keep different aspects of my life running efficiently.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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