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Volume 11, Issue 28: My Home Making Schedule Part I

I never thought I could post about home making as part of my inspiration messages until I realized that it's not something to be kept behind the scenes. Our lives are all-rounded, we have different parts of us that play different roles to the whole. For me, that includes home making. Home making is actually a central part of my life. As a self-professed organized neat freak, this is a part of me that forms part of my personal development journey. Yes, I continually improve as a home maker.

Home making is different things to different people at different stages of life. For me it's all about making my home comfortable and running smoothly. At this stage of my life with my kids at pre-teen and teen stages, home making for me involves cleaning, cooking, laundry, managing the house, staying on top of supplies and leading my kids, while doing an 8-5 job.

This post will focus on the cleaning schedules that I design and diligently follow to keep our home clean and organized. Although most of my home making routines are done daily, there are things that I have done just once a week and a few others just once a month. Let's start with my daily cleaning schedule in this post then carry on to my weekly and monthly cleaning schedules in the next posts.

  • Daily Cleaning

My daily cleaning list includes the following:

Kitchen: Sweep and mop the floor, wipe cabinet doors and appliances, wipe the hood head, scrub countertops and sink, dry the sink and faucet.

Living and dining spaces: Sweep and mop the floor (everyday) dust living room seats and media cabinet (Mondays), wipe dining seats and island seats (Tuesdays), wipe lounge seats and brush lounge carpet (Wednesdays), wipe walls and doors (Thursdays).

Bathrooms and bedrooms: Mop flours and scrub shower walls and glass partitions on Mondays and Wednesdays, Clean toilets and sinks from Monday to Thursday.

Laundry: Wipe countertop and sink, wipe cabinet doors and washing machine on Mondays and Wednesdays.

In our daily cleaning, along with being responsible for cleaning dishes, my kids help with having the first go at resetting the kitchen, living and dining spaces after dinner. They scrub countertops and sink, sweep and mop the floor. I then follow right after to bring everything to perfection. I could spare them the few minutes of house work each evening after school, but I don't want to deny them the opportunity to develop life skills.

My kids are learning that life doesn't give you a break just because you have a test. As such, they are learning to balance showing up for an early family dinner and doing what is lined up for them after dinner while managing the demands of their studies to perform well at school. Stay tuned for my weekly cleaning schedule in the next post.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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