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Volume 11, Issue 29: Home Making Schedule Part II

As a home maker, you are not expected to do everything. You are the commander-in-chief. You make sure all that needs to get done is done. Some home makers have able troops to command, others have "little" helpers in training while others run a "one-man" show. Either way, as commanders in chief, we see to it that the work is done to the glory of God. Don't feel less of a home maker for having help. You are the commander in chief of your home and have at your disposal what you need for your season of life.

Home making gives me an opportunity to appreciate the gift of my home, and the privilege to get to keep it clean and beautiful for the Lord and for my family. If you are just joining us in this home making series, you may want to start with Part I then jump right back onto this one. We will focus on weekly cleaning and see how that looks like for our different situations.

Related article: Home Making Schedule Part I

  • Weekly Cleaning

My weekly cleaning list is split into two: Friday deep cleaning and Saturday general cleaning. I typically work only in the kitchen on Fridays, with a little bit of time in the laundry. The rest of the deep cleaning is done by my cleaning lady. Here is how my Friday deep cleaning schedule looks like:

Kitchen: Light scrub hood head, clean cabinet doors, clean cooker sides and back and burners, clean the floor behind the cooker, clean on top of the fridge, scrub countertops, scrub dish rack area, sink, faucet and cleaning holders, clean table mats and countertop appliances, clean and shine window, wipe under the sink and dustbin cabinets.

Living and dining spaces: Dust and wipe seats, wipe media cabinet and speakers, sweep and shake carpet, clean behind and underneath lounge seats, brush and wipe lounge carpet, wipe the legs of dining seats and island seats.

Bathrooms: Scrub shower walls and glass partitions, clean toilets, sinks and bathtub, scrub bathroom floors, clean and shine mirrors, wipe windows and doors, clean over the sink toiletries' shelves.

Bedrooms: Wipe furniture, shake and dust bedside mats, clean glass windows and slides, clean behind lounge and under the beds, and clean floors.

Laundry and balconies: Clean underneath cabinets and under the sink, empty and clean dustbins, clean rugs, mops and brooms, scrub sink and countertops, wipe inside cabinets, wipe cabinet doors, clean balcony glass and grill, wipe back door, wipe front door and grill, dust and wipe balcony furniture.

I hope you are enjoying this series or at least finding it useful. I enjoy home making way more than many of the people I interact with often. Cleaning is part of life, and I wish you the privilege of feeling the satisfaction of making spaces clean and organized, or arranging for spaces to be made clean and organized by someone else for your enjoyment. Stay tuned for the second part of my weekly cleaning schedule and more in the next post.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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