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Volume 11, Issue 30: Home Making Schedule Part III

In the last post we laid out my deep cleaning routine that goes down every Friday with the help of my cleaning lady. I don't do much else on the weekend after that but I have my kids take turns in doing a few minutes of general cleaning around the house. This is more about them getting into the habit of routine cleaning and organizing than it is about them making spaces clean.

  • Weekly Cleaning Continued

If you are just joining us in this home making series, you may want to start with the last two posts for better flow, then jump right back onto this one. Here's how my Saturday general cleaning schedule looks like.

Related article: Home Making Schedule Part II

Kitchen, living and dining spaces: Polish dining table and seats and island seats, wipe and organize utility drawers, clean inside the microwave, wipe media cabinet gadgets and speakers, wipe stains off walls and shine hallway mirror.

Bathrooms and bedrooms: Shine mirrors, wipe window sills and furniture, replace shower mats and towels, refill toilet paper holders, change bedding and organize linen drawers, organize wardrobes, wipe and organize dressing/bedside tables, clean bedside mats.

Laundry: Wipe back door and cabinet doors, organize and store ironed clothes, towels and linens, organize laundry cabinets, clean door mat, clean washing machine, wipe balcony grills and furniture.

You might be wondering, why not just keep a full time house help? For me, it's a matter of personal preference. I am comfortable with my once a week cleaning lady service. I have a diligent and reliable cleaning lady who does wonders for me every Friday. All I do the rest of the week is maintenance, and I am so good at maintenance that my cleaning lady finds the house clean every Friday. Let's tackle monthly cleaning in the next post.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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