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Volume 11, Issue 32: Home Making Schedule Part V

You can tell that I am more of a "prevention is better than cure" kind of home maker. They say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". I add that "a little cleaning a day keeps dirt away". I would rather clean a not-so-dirty space regularly than wait for it to get really dirty, then clean.

We have come to the tail end of this home making series. If you are just joining us, I recommend you start with Part I and progress all the way up to Part IV of the series before reading this one. You will no doubt enjoy the read if you relate with home making.

Related article: Home Making Schedule Part IV

As you saw in the last post, my monthly cleaning list is rather brief. I am more of a "do a little bit everyday" kind of girl. I would rather spend 30 seconds each evening wiping down my clean hood head than let dirt and grease pile on it and have to invest several minutes deep cleaning it at some point in the future. The thought of that would intimidate me to the point of not getting it done for a very long time.

In fact, I think the reason I have a monthly list at all is because I don't want to take on too much cleaning any given Saturday. I want to spend less than half an hour attending to a section of my kitchen so I don't get bogged down with cleaning. By going over different sections of the kitchen every other Saturday, dirt and grease don't build up, eliminating the need for tedious deep cleaning.

All the seats in my living spaces are made of fabric, most beige in color and a few red in color. By taking 5 minutes each day to dust a category of seats as I described in my daily cleaning schedule, my seats stay clean all year. I engage professional cleaning service once a year for deep cleaning of the seats. These habits keep my seats looking as good as new for years.

Whatever your home making habits are, I hope that this series has inspired you to customize your home making routines in a way that best suits your personality, time and the needs of your household. If you don't like cleaning or have time to clean, hire a good cleaner to do it for you. Never hesitate to engage domestic or professional help where necessary. And most of all, I hope you find joy in the mundanity of the repetitive nature of home making.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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