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Volume 01, Issue 20: What makes you Happy

I have learnt that there is no magical formula to living your dream life. It’s never about having what you want but wanting what you have.

When you get to the point of wanting the life that you have, life becomes bliss. Want the job that you have, the house that you live in, your means of transportation, the life that you have with your family and the gratification you get from the friendships that you have. This way, you are not waiting for something to happen to be happy. You are happy in your present station in life. This does not imply settling for less than you are capable of, but enjoying the process of getting where you want to be.

Happiness is not a future pursuit but a present state of life. We take time to learn from the past and plan for the future, but our primary focus should be on what is happening at the present moment.

It helps to discover yourself and learn what you love most. When you begin to do what you know and love to do, the last thing you will be looking for each day is the sunset. You will want your day to last longer.

Happiness is tied to purposeful living. When your days allow you the opportunity to do the thing that gives you the greatest fulfillment and satisfaction; that thing that draws on your strengths; the thing that when you do you lose the sense of time, become wholly absorbed in and want to do consistently; you won’t help it but be happy.

Doing what you love and loving what you do contribute to getting up excited each day. Build a passion around your preoccupation or find what you are passionate about.

We must also acknowledge that life is not advancement. It is growth. The wins we gain by growing give us happiness. Seek wholesome growth. Outward success may be fleeting and void of happiness, but balanced growth offers an inner sense of fulfillment.

Find happiness in the simple things of life. Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment. Every day, every hour and every minute is special. Do not keep anything for a special occasion. Every day that you live is a special occasion.

Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, won or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. Dennis Waitley.

Lillian Chebosi


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