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Volume 11, Issue 43: It's Consistency, Not Intensity That Gets Results

As we approach the end of the year, we are most likely reflecting on how we have faired against our goals. For some of us, there are goals we set out to go after but dropped the ball on at some point. For these, one of the reasons we didn't succeed is because we thought we weren't able to go after the goal(s) with the intensity we deemed necessary for success.

However, it's consistency, not intensity that gets results. I wanted to write every day but didn't because I felt stretched too thin to write with intensity. I felt too tired to be bothered to pen down a few sentences each day.

On the other hand, I consistently had my thirty minutes brisk walk and thirty minutes strength training five days a week without fail. The results of this investment is evident in my body size, shape and vitality. An hour of low intensity workout isn't much but it certainly yields results when done Consistently.

So, why did I succeed in one goal and fail in another? Why didn't I apply the principle of consistency to my writing like I did with my workouts? It's certainly not because working out is any easier than writing.

I think part of the reason is because the time I assigned for my writing almost always got used up by other activities that I felt obliged to do at that time. As a result, by the time I got a moment to sit and write, or tried to squeeze it in at other "free" times in the day, I was too tired to do it.

I have learnt that unless I assign my daily writing activity to a time slot that nothing can distract me from, then I will not be able to write consistently however much I want to. I want to be careful to re-assess my writing time slot before this year draws to a close so that I can benefit from the principle of consistency as far as my writing is concerned next year and beyond.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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