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Volume 11, Issue 44: There Was Jesus

I found a song by Demi Lee Moore & Riaan Benade' called 'There Was Jesus'. Another recording of this song is sang by Zachary Williams and Dally Patron. I have played this song nonstop over and over again the past few weeks. This song and other interactions I had on the first day I listened to it got me interceding for those hurting among us - folks who are sad and feel all alone.

Jesus is always there, in the waiting and in the searching, in the hurting and in the healing. In the fire and in the flood. On the mountain and in the valley. He is there. We never walk alone. Jesus is there, like a blessing buried in the broken pieces.

Thinking of other people's burdens and hurts leads us to Jesus in intercession. Where would our world be without the healing touch of Jesus? Where would we be if Jesus wasn't there to bring us through difficult times? Where would we be if Jesus wasn't there to give us the fortitude we need to make it through valleys and fires and floods?

Jesus is there. Whether it's hurts that we bring upon ourselves or those we find ourselves victims of, Jesus is there. Mending our broken hearts. Healing our hurts. Wiping away our tears. Making us whole again. Remaining on our side when our friends desert us. Turning our sorrow into laughter, our mourning into dancing and thorns into roses.

There was Jesus. Can you see it now in hindsight? That he was there with you in the hard times? And that he is here with you in the good times. No matter the season, Jesus was there. Jesus is here.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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