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Volume 11, Issue 45: Gratitude

What are you grateful for? As we come to the end of the year, yet another challenging one because of the continued effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be hard to find things to be grateful for or even to nurture a grateful heart. But the benefits of gratitude outweigh any leverage we may think we have for being ungrateful.

I am grateful for very many things, starting with having a grateful heart in the first place. To mention just a few, I am grateful for love in my life from family and friends. I am grateful for the package of health, healing when I need it, and mental, emotional and psychological wholeness. I am grateful for my job, for a beautiful roof over my head and for a car that works.

But even better, I have something new that I am beyond grateful for this year. Nothing feels better than knowing that you are doings things right again. When you look back and see how off the track you were without realizing it, and then God gives you the opportunity to see it, and the grace to change your ways. You don't miss a bit in staying on course in doing things right even when those you are doing them for make messes.

It's one thing to know you are loving and caring for your loved ones. It's another to get a wake up call and really make a change to truly love them in their current season. I am grateful for the opportunity to relentlessly express love, care, kindness and support to my beloved teens.

What are you most grateful for this year? Just that you have made it this far in the year is a big reason to be grateful. Take time to reflect on the year. Get amazed at the things you take for granted. Ponder over the things you learnt, the second chances you got, and the adjustments you made for the better.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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