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Volume 11, Issue 46: Living In Your Season

There was a time when I needed to inculcate discipline and life skills in my children. The unfortunate thing is that I didn't realize that season had run its course, until recently.

Given the stage my children are in currently, my season is that of nurturing, embracing, motivating and supporting them. I have learnt that teens in today's day have a lot to deal with. They struggle with fitting in, looking cool, making friends, maintaining a good reputation, excelling in studies and sports and so forth. All while figuring out the changes taking place in their bodies and emotions.

Some of us parents can be stuck in the past. We probably sailed through teenage, so we don't get what the fuss is all about. Another thing is that we get stuck in handling our teens the same way we handled them when they were younger, oblivious of the changes that are taking place in them and the changes in what they need from us.

When my children were younger, one of the things that was important to me was to instill in them a value for personal time management and honoring other people's time. A few times one or both of them had to walk to school if they didn't make it to the car on time for the ride to school. They got the point, crystal and clear. This is not a lesson I need to continue teaching them in their current season. But it took me awhile to see it this way.

I no longer hustle my children to get out of bed quickly when I wake them up on a school morning. I understand how hard it is to wake up early and take my time with them until they garner the motivation to get out of bed happily and get on with the business of getting ready for school.

It's no longer about my time being wasted by someone running late to get to the car on time for school drop off. It's about dedicating that fraction of time to them, supporting them to get there happy and cared for. If one of them is struggling on a particular morning, making us late, it's my pleasure to drop everything to encourage and help him/her get ready and out the door. I am not leaving anyone behind this season.

When you see the effect of your kindness in your teens' outlook and disposition. When you see them thriving again, because of your kindness, support and expressions of love, you are grateful you saw the light and adjusted yourself to serve them in their current season of life.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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