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Volume 11, Issue 47: Go The Distance

End of year fatigue is real. We are tired, dragging ourselves through the "hard" things and wanting to just relax and take it easy. It's normal to want to relax on our disciplines at this point of the year. It's excusable, even expected.

But what will give us more satisfaction at the end of the year? I believe it's going the distance. A good athlete doesn't quit a race just inches away from the finish line on account of fatigue or waning motivation. Good athletes push themselves to the finish line, however hard.

We have come so far, fought so hard to do the right things. We can't throw in the towel now and wait to start all over next year. No, we keep up the fight. We can reduce the intensity of the activities but keep up the consistency.

Who wants to get used to doing "hard" things all over again in the new year? I know I don't. So I will keep showing up: waking up early, doing my workouts, taking my walks, eating sensibly, reading and writing until the very last day of 2021.

I am not doing full 30 minutes workouts every week day or hard workouts now. But I am working out on schedule. I am not writing every day, but I am writing. I am not getting out of bed as soon as my body wakes up, but I am getting out a few minutes later. And so forth. This way, I am remaining in the race, going the distance.

I encourage you to keep showing up on your disciplines all the way to the very end of the year. You have done it this far, you have what it takes to go the distance, to finish strong. It's not enough to start well and run a good race. We must finish well too. Let's go the distance, and in the process, position ourselves to start the new year on a high note.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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