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Volume 11, Issue 48: Enjoy The Season

Someone asked me this morning whether I am looking forward to the holidays. I found that question odd because I am already in the holidays, have been for weeks, most likely since just before the beginning of the month December. I am still at work this week but that's not stopping me from being in the season.

As days draw closer to the 25th, many people wait to travel or for the big party to enjoy the holiday season. I am not waiting for that. I am enjoying every moment of this holiday month. I have been enjoying watching lights on our Christmas tree since mid-November. I have enjoyed imagining ,collecting and packaging gifts for family and friends. Now I am enjoying the preparations for travel and packing.

Just like any other day, the 25th comes and goes very fast. Likewise, the month of December, and the holiday season comes and goes very fast. You can't wait for one day or a few days to start enjoying it. You jump right in before the onset and start enjoying every moment of it, letting it sink in. That way, you won't feel short changed when the season comes to an end. Because you would have taken it all in.

Don't miss a beat. Enjoy the season. Even if you are still at work. Even if the 25th or the 1st will find you at work due to the nature of your profession. It is still the season to be merry and celebrate with loved ones. Stop and enjoy the lights and Christmas decorations. When you get off work, take yourself and the children in your life to one of the big malls near you in the evening to enjoy the extensive display of lights and Christmas decorations.

Enjoy the festive season. And as you do, don't forget the reason for the season, the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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