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Volume 11, Issue 49: Pause...Reflect...Refresh

This thought caught my attention a few days before the 25th as I was preparing to close off things at work and begin my holiday break. I wanted to share it with you but my focus got taken over by the holidays. So here it is now.

Pause... Reflect... Refresh. 2021 was a rough year for many of us. Still, there is much to be grateful for even amid the challenges. As we close the year, I want to wish you a happy holiday season!

You deserve a pause... a moment to reflect and refresh. You deserve a hearty laugh among family and friends. You deserve a moment to celebrate all that you have accomplished this year.

As you pause to refresh and reflect, think of the biggest lessons you have learnt this year. Ponder over the mistakes you made and what you learnt from them. Also think about the hurdles you faced and surpassed and the many things you did right. Celebrate those and all the good breaks you had this year.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi


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