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Volume 11, Issue 52: End The Year On A High Note

Whether we like it on not, 2021 has now come to an end. Whether we faired well or badly; whether we struggled or blossomed, it's time to bid 2021 farewell. It's time to part ways with the year that was.

This is not the time to beat ourselves up for what we failed to accomplish. Neither is it time to bask in the glory of our successes. This is the time to acknowledge our shortcomings, celebrate our successes and forge the way forward for the new year.

It is time to end the year on a high note. It's time to embrace our humanity and the frailty that comes with it. It's time to pat ourselves on the back for all the hard work we put in. It's time to thank God for extending us abounding grace to make it through the valley lows, the mountain tops and the plateaus.

Let's thank God for thus far we have come. Let's be grateful for making it through another COVID-19 pandemic year. Let's thank God for the jobs and businesses we didn't lose, and for the family and friends whose lives were spared alongside ours. Let's be grateful for the sustenance we experienced despite losing jobs and businesses struggling, and for the comfort we received for losing loved ones. It's time to celebrate the goodness of the Lord to us in 2021.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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