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Volume 12, Issue 01: A New Chapter Begins

And just like that, a new chapter begins. And what better way to begin it than with gratitude.

I am grateful to be here, to have made it to the new year.

I am grateful to not have lost family and friends to COVID-19 and other threats.

I am grateful to have a good job to go back to this year.

I am grateful for an opportunity to start all over again, for new beginnings.

I am grateful for yet another opportunity to thrive and blossom.

I am grateful for an opportunity to right my wrongs, and to love people.

I am grateful for an opportunity to dream big again and to go after my goals.

I am grateful for yet another opportunity to learn new things, and to do things well and better.

I am grateful for an opportunity to enjoy life in Christ.

How exciting this time is. We get to start over, start a new chapter of our lives. We get to leave our past flops behind and forge a new beginning. Allow this start of a new year to be an opportunity to slow down, to dream a bit, and give yourself permission to be audacious to set goals that excite you and pull you forward.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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