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Volume 01, Issue 22: Sustained Growth

Why do we need to grow? Shouldn’t we be satisfied with the things that preoccupy our days? Is growth necessary? We need to grow in order to serve humanity. Our goal in growth should be to find our niche and use it in the service of others. Since we can only give what we possess, we have to develop ourselves before we can begin to develop others.

What is the best area for us to pursue growth in? What will meet the greatest need? It is in the area of our strengths. Each of us should pursue growth in what we have the potential to be great at. This is our area of contribution to the world.

To grow we must first discover what we were built for and develop it. These are the few things we can be great at. How do we know what we can be great at? Clues to our purpose can be found in our strengths, in the things that annoy us most when they go wrong in the world, and in what we are passionate about.
We will not have sustained growth until we know our purpose. Without this knowledge, we find ourselves trying to do everything, thus dividing our focus and spreading out our energies too thin. But when we know our purpose, we abandon all pursuits that we are not fitted for and focus growth in our area of greatness. When we prioritize according to our purpose, we find ourselves making a difference.

We cannot be great at everything. Although we all possess the propensity to do many things well, there are only a few things that we can do exceedingly well. Those few things are the ones we are to focus our energies to attain growth in.

As the former British Prime Minister William Gladstone once said, a wise man wastes no energies in pursuits for which he is not fitted; and he is wiser still if from among the things he can do well, chooses and resolutely follows the best. Find what you are great at and pursue growth in it.

Lillian Chebosi



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