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Volume 12, Issue 03: Not This Year

What did you leave on the table last year? What has your lifestyle and your systems have you leaving on the table year in - year out? What is it that you know you want but haven't had the stamina to rearrange your life to accommodate?

Just like the start of every day and every week and every month is an opportunity to turn our lives around, the start of every year is an even bigger opportunity to make bold decisions and start taking steps towards what we really want.

What don't I want to continue leaving on the table anymore? What could I have if I followed my calendar to the letter? What could I accomplish if I started every single day on time? What could I gain if I invested in the friendships that I have?

What don't you want to continue leaving on the table anymore? Happiness, health and fitness, a spouse, kids, a thriving marriage, closeness to your growing children, real friendships, a house, time to enjoy the life you work so hard for?

What could you have if only you changed a few things in your life? What could you have if you switched jobs, moved houses, downsized your lifestyle, dropped wrong friends, saved before you spent, called and visited your family more often?

What could you have if you went to bed early, ditched the snooze button on your alarm and got out of bed the time you really need to wake up? What could you have if you changed your diet, walked up the stairs instead of using the elevator, went out for a brisk walk instead of binge watching Netflix every evening? You can make a bold decision right now and start moving towards not leaving anything on the table this year.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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