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Volume 12, Issue 05: Can You Do It Today?

How do we really nail the day? Last year I put tiny stickers written "Win The Day" in red all around me. I had it on the back of my phone, on my workstation, on my laptop, on the front cover of my iPad, and so forth. I wanted visual reminders to help me remember to win the day throughout my day.

Having built the habit of waking up early, most of the time I am awake before my alarm goes off. When I hear it, I remind myself to nail the day, starting with getting out of bed that very moment. When I am getting ready to eat, or when I am tempted to eat when I am not hungry or to continue eating after I have had my fill, I remind myself to win the day by eating right.

A house is built one day at a time. A career is advanced one day at a time. A relationship is built one day at a time. A strong, fit and healthy body is built one day at a time. It matters not what discipline you're trying to inculcate, what habit you're trying to build, what goal you are going after. It always happens one day at a time.

In his book Win the Day, Mark Batterson writes that "no matter what habit you're trying to build, what problem you're trying to solve, or what goal you are going after, it always happens one day at a time. When you think it terms of weeks and months and years, it can be overwhelming and demotivating. Don't worry about next week, next month, or next year! Can you do it today?"

Can we do it today? With God's help, absolutely. We can get out of bed on time today. We can eat right today. We can workout today. We can squeeze in more reading today. We can spend quality time with our loved ones today. We can do today whatever it is we need to do to get us to our desired ends.

Almost anybody can do something for just a day. We can look at each day as the only day we have to work on something. Before we know it, we will be living each day as if it's the only day we have left to live. We will be showing up as we truly want to, really playing our "A" game, being who we really are, a people made for greatness.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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