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Volume 12, Issue 07: Joy Comes In The Morning

I recently had an awful experience with someone close to me. It was a case false accusation, something I don't remember ever facing before. It was heart rending. Being falsely accused, busted and blocked all at once is a horrible experience. It reminded me of a glimpse of what Jesus went through for us.

The best part about that experience is what happened after. I thought I was going to be okay, recover from the ambush over time. But God didn't miss a bit. First thing the next morning he reminded me that "Joy comes in the morning". That was amazing for me. The Bible says that sorrow may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning.

There is a clear distinction between those who know the Lord and those who don't. If we walk with God, we don't have to wallow in sorrow and stay downcast from an attack for days on end. He takes it away, rolls away the reproach. And in it's place clothes us with joy and dancing. How awesome is that?

God brings his word to remembrance just when we need it. I hadn't read, heard or thought about that portion of scripture in a long time. But there it was that morning, right when I needed it. I wasn't searching for it. I just wanted to pray, to pour out my heart to God.

As I stepped out my door for my early morning walk, my heart was intent on laying the issue before the Lord. I wanted to talk about what happened the day before with him, and ask him to heal my heart. But God had a different agenda that morning. He had me drop the offense and receive his joy. I received instant healing and recovery.

People may throw their trash on you. But God is in your corner and he won't let you stay downcast over it. Shake off the offense by the grace of God. It's bad enough to be falsely accused and called bad names, it's even worse to be denied the chance to say "it's not true, I didn't do that". But it wasn't my trash to keep, it had nothing to do with me. So I shook it off and moved on with the joy of the Lord. And so can you. Joy comes in the morning.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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