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Volume 12, Issue 12: Wait For Direction

Every now and then we find ourselves in a decision valley, needing to make a decision amidst varied options and opinions. We then turn to God for guidance and direction, a good thing. But we are often too impatient to wait on him, or too clouded with noise to hear him. I know, because I was recently there.

I had a decision to make for someone. There was two of us, deliberating on a difficult decision for a teenager we care about. This teenager didn't make it easy. She knew what she wanted and stuck to her guns. We didn't want what she wanted and were determined to make her accept our choice for her.

All along, I was praying that God would lead us to make the right decision, one that would make the best fit for the teenager. It was weeks into the daze and I wasn't hearing anything from the Lord. I felt confused and helpless, and eventually let the other person take the lead in steering us on. I went along with their decision for us to proceed with our initial plan, even though the teenager was still against it.

Then I got direction. A day later it became clear to me that our plan wasn't the right plan for the teenager, and that we needed to quickly change course. It was good to have direction at last, but what bothered me was why it took so long for me to get it. I wondered whether I had been impatient or whether the Lord was speaking all along but I was too clouded to hear him.

Whatever the case, this experience has taught me to never be in a hurry to make a crucial decision. I will tarry until I am quiet enough to hear, until the Lord gives me direction. I will wait on the Lord patiently, until I hear him. I have made enough wrong decisions in the past, it's time to learn my lesson and decide to always wait on the Lord for direction.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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