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Volume 12, Issue 14: Fall In Love With Repetition

"The most important battles must be fought anew each day. Exercising today does not render tomorrow's workout unnecessary. Supporting your spouse today does not mean you can mail it in tomorrow. Learn to love the endless nature of things, and life will get easier." James Clear.

Life is a series of recurring actions. Success is all about having the discipline to do the same right things over and over again. A fit body isn't obtained from one or random exercise sessions. A fit body is obtained from repeated exercise sessions. In the same way, an unhealthy body isn't a result of one or random unhealthy food choices. An unhealthy body is a result of repeated unhealthy food choices.

Cleaning or having your house cleaned today doesn't guarantee you a clean house. You have to clean it regularly to have a clean house. Tidying up your closet today does not render having the habit of daily keeping your closet tidy unnecessary. Without the habit, it will take a only a few days for your closet to return to the mess it was in before you tidied it up.

Paying yourself first a decent portion from this month's paycheck doesn't make you rich. It is doing so month after month, year in-year out that puts you on the path to financial independence.

Sharing a meal with a friend this weekend does not mean you can ignore them for a long while thereafter. Maintaining a rich friendship requires regularly deposits of time, kindness and support.

Almost no part of life is a one-off investment. We even don't take a shower today and forget all about it for days on end. We do it again tomorrow and the day after, and the day after. We don't read the Bible once and get faith to carry us through the rest of life. We read the Bible every day to walk with Jesus and live a victorious life. I could go and on, but we get the point.

We have to find a way to enjoy the endless nature of things so that we are happy doing them over and over again. Then we will remain on the path of success.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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