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Volume 12, Issue 17: Necessary Arrangements Part I

When we are about to embark on a trip, we typically begin to make travel arrangements. In the case of an international trip, we start looking into getting a visa and purchasing the ticket. We are also likely to make prior arrangements for our accommodation when we get there, and for our transportation from the airport to our final destination. We also pack the items we will need to use on the journey and at our destination, being careful not to forget anything important.

Throughout life we make arrangements. We make arrangements for getting married, for our studies and careers. We make arrangements for our children's education and general progression. We make arrangements for the functions we host and attend. In order to succeed, we make necessary arrangements all over the place.

As good as we are at making arrangements, God beats us hands down in his making arrangements on a our behalf. The most outstanding example is how God made necessary arrangements for our redemption well ahead of time. From Adams' fall in the garden, God knew mankind would need redeeming, a final atonement for sin for which the blood of bulls couldn't accomplish.

God made the necessary arrangements for His one and only Son to die in our place to offer the sacrifice needed to atone for our sins. He made arrangements for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to be born into the world, to die for our sins and to rise from the dead. He made these arrangements in order to reunite us to himself by breaking the snare of sin and death over us.

Throughout life, before Christ and after Christ, God makes necessary arrangements for mankind. We don't have space enough in this article to talk of the different arrangements he made in the life of Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist, Jesus' earthly parents - Joseph and Mary, Samuel, David, Samson, Gideon, Esther, Paul, John, Peter, and so many others in the Bible.

It is safe to say that God is in the business of making necessary arrangements to meet the needs of his people. Let's explore this further in the next article.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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