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Volume 12, Issue 19: Necessary Arrangements Part III

In the last post we saw how God made necessary arrangements to answer Hannah's request. Hannah honored the vow she made to God in that desperate prayer and dedicated her son to God, gave him to his service after weaning him.

Although it is not recorded if Hannah desired to get other children, God blessed her with three more sons and two daughters. Certainly God honours those who honour him, and he removes their reproach. A woman who had been barren for years suddenly becomes the happy mother of six children! Only God can turn things around in such magnitude.

God makes necessary arrangements to roll away our reproach. When our lack of ability makes us taunted, God rolls away our reproach by promoting us in spite of our lack of qualification. God qualifies the unqualified.

God makes necessary arrangements to provide for his people. When the economy takes a turn for the worst and rising prices become unbearable, God makes a way for his people to make it through the tough times. He sees to it that they are provided for. God sees to it that the school fees for the bright child of a struggling single mother are paid.

God makes necessary arrangements to heal our ailments and broken hearts. When life hands us a bitter pill of a betrayal or abuse or loss and we cry out to God, he comes alongside us and stays close until our hearts are healed and our wounds are mended. He exchanges our mourning with dancing, and our sorrow with joy.

God makes necessary arrangements to turn our situations around. He makes necessary arrangements to make sure that we get treated well, get the help we need in our work and day to day lives. He makes necessary arrangements for us to be favoured at work and in the market place. He makes necessary arrangements to clear the traffic for us when we need him to, and to make a fuel deficient car reach the petrol station before completely running out of fuel and stalling on a busy road. That's our God, our very present help in times of need.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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