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Volume 12, Issue 23: Keep The Habit Alive

I recently listened to the Life Changing magic of Tidying Up audiobook by Marie Kondo. I am glad I picked up the book because it confirmed what I thought was true all along.

I don't tidy up my wardrobe or kitchen or pantry over and over again. I rearrange these spaces a couple of times a year, but I don't tidy them, because they are already tidy. I did the tidying work once, and that was enough. All I do on a daily basis is maintain the tidiness by returning things back to their designated spaces in the neat state they were in when I got them out.

In the book, Marie Kondo stresses that tidying is a once and for all exercise. If done right, it's not something that one has to keep doing repeatedly. However, I must add that for this to hold true, an individual's systems must be ingrained to ensure the space stays tidy afterwards.

I routinely tidy up my family members' closets. But there's one family member's closets that I stoped organizing all together a few years back. This is because I accepted that this family member doesn't have systems in place that would ensure that once organized, he would keep him closet tidy. As a result, his closet would be back to the mess it was in, in a few days, rendering organizing it in a first place a waste of time.

Tidying up a space for the first time can be daunting. But once tidied, keeping it tidy is easy with the right systems in place. Similarly, I find working out now, which I do to stay in shape much easier than it was when I started twelve years ago, needing to shed off the extra pounds I had accumulated. Likewise, my once a week all day long cleaning service is hard work on my cleaning lady. Keeping the house clean throughout the week is much easier on me.

"Keeping the habit alive is a powerful act. It's easier to stay in shape than to get in shape. It's easier to keep a house clean than to get it clean. Many days it may feel like you are treading water, but maintaining your progress saves your future self a great deal of work." James Clear.

Whatever you are working on, keep up the momentum. You will soon get to the sweet spot of maintenance. Don't fall for the wagon. Keep showing up. Your future self will be glad you did.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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