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Volume 12, Issue 26: Stewardship of Battles

I was glad to learn this week from Jonathan Evans, the author of Fighting Your Battles book, that battles and struggles are stewardship roles. It is good to know that we don't just steward resources like money and time, we also steward battles.

Are you being a good steward in your struggles or are you stewarding your battles badly? The unfortunate truth is that we are always either in a battle, from a battle or on our way to a battle. It's the nature of life. My achiever orientation wants to make sure that I am doing great no matter the season.

The Word of God directs us on how to carry ourselves in a battle. It says that by prayer and supplication, we make our requests known to God. After that, we choose to receive his peace that surpasses understanding. This means that when we pray, God release his peace to us. But whether or not we take the peace and walk in it is up to us.

Here's what being good stewards of our battles and struggles looks like. We give God the battle by making prayers and supplications. Then we let him take care of the outcome. When we do this, the burden should be easier, the yoke should be lighter. The struggle doesn't go away. It just means that we are different in it. Even if it doesn't change for awhile, or at all, we are changed.

Isn't that just great! As mortals, we have no power to change certain things like God does. What we need to thrive in a battle is to surrender it to the one who has the power to change it, and accept his peace and work in us irrespective of whether he changes the circumstance or not. That's how we steward our battles and struggles well.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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