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Volume 12, Issue 27: Genuinely Interested

What am I genuinely interested in? Have you ever asked yourself that question? I think most of us have, especially earlier on in our journey. But then life happens and we get busy with what our hands find to do and with the business of life that we forget all about what interests us.

When an opportunity to slow down comes, maybe when we find ourselves in between jobs or when our children grow up and become more independent, it's a good time to find out what we are genuinely interested in.

Before picking up the next thing or occupation that comes along, it's good to pause and find out what you are genuinely interested in. Then align your path in the direction of your passion.

I believe doing what we are genuinely interested in goes a long way in making life effortless. It makes it easier to wake up in the morning because we know we get to embark on things we enjoy doing. You would also find it easier to learn and improve your craft and ultimately become excellent at it.

This quote from James Clear supports this. "If you are genuinely interested, you will find endless opportunities for growth. But if you are disinterested, even obvious improvements will feel like a chore. And, if you can maintain your genuine interest and curiosity as the years accumulate, you will become hard to compete with because you will have skill to go with your passion. If you are interested, you are dangerous."

So, what are you passionate about? What do you most enjoy doing? Take it upon yourself to find out, then take advantage of a pause or change of pace in your career or life to make the shift to do what you are genuinely interested in.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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