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Volume 12, Issue 29: Don't Beat Yourself Up

As the year draws to a close, many of us have at least one goal that we flopped in. But there are certainly many goals that we aced. I for one didn't write articles as frequently as I intended. And something like this can really put me down if I don't stop to reflect on the grand scheme of things.

Why can't I let this failure determine how I regard my overall performance this year? Because like you, I did many things well, achieved many of my goals. I made progress and improvements in other areas of my life. And in the area of writing, I wrote about 200 words on my journal just about every evening.

So, before you start beating yourself up for not attaining one or a few of your key goals this year, take a moment and list down all the goals that you have attained, and maybe even surpassed the targets you set for yourself this year. You are likely to find that you have many reasons to pat yourself on the back.

The problem with us go-getters is that we forget that we are human, living in a human context where things don't always work in our favour. Sometimes the time we allocate to work on a certain goal gets eaten up by other mandatory activities that overrun their time slots. Life happens, and we need to extend ourselves grace when we find ourselves stretched too thin to do all that we set out to do.

This is not an excuse for mediocrity. We are not those people. We are high achievers and expect a lot from ourselves. And so, even as the year draws to a close, we don't give ourselves a break and relax. We look for opportunities to salvage what we can, and we will continue to do so until the very last minute of 2022.

And when the curtain finally draws to a close on 2022, we will celebrate ourselves for the goals we will have  aced, and for the effort we put in for the goals that we won't have quite driven to the finish line. And then we will strategize for 2023.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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